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RDN Health Workforce Surveys

RDN workforce data is recognised in the health sector for its high quality, integrity, relevance, and longevity. 

The data obtained from GPs and Practice Managers via RDN health workforce surveys has proven invaluable. It has, amongst many things, helped inform recruitment and retention strategies and has informed RDN’s annual Health Workforce Needs Assessment (HWNA). 

All workforce surveys are being delivered via a secure online survey platform. Online surveys have improved the efficiency of our workforce data collection and enabled us to customise the survey to your individual circumstances

RDN Health Workforce Surveys now closed

If you are a practice manager or GP an would like to participate in next year’s survey, please contact surveys@nswrdn.com.au.

Why complete the surveys?

The surveys are the primary tool to capture data about what is happening in rural health across NSW. For RDN to accurately represent the needs of the rural health workforce to government, we need to know what affects health practitioners. The data collected assists RDN to identify areas of support, funding needs, and emerging trends impacting the rural health workforce and your communities. This helps inform our future projects and advocacy to support the rural health workforce and in turn, health access for rural communities. 

What happens to the data?

Data collected through the RDN GP and Practice Manager Surveys forms the evidence base of the HWNA. Together with other internal and external data, the HWNA aggregates evidence themed around primary health workforce access, quality and sustainability; and identifies issues and trends for these priority areas.  

The HWNA findings are submitted in full to the Department of Health and Aged Care each February. Summary reports are also produced: Health Workforce Needs Assessment 

How do the survey and the HWNA benefit the rural health workforce?

A few of the ways in which the HWNA findings have contributed to RDN’s work are:

  • Informed RDN’s investment in clinician self-care initiatives such as RDN’s web resource #RuralHealthTogether / www.ruralhealthtogether.info 
  • Informed RDN’s evidence-based response to the former Rural Health Commissioner’s request for feedback on options to attract and retain allied health professionals to rural areas. 
  • Prioritising CPD and training needs for the rural GP workforce
  • Workforce strategies and policies that improve access to primary care and workforce sustainability.

RDN looks forward to the continued support of our annual surveys, which will continue to make a positive difference to primary health care in rural NSW.

More information

For more information about the online surveys, please read our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email.