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Rural Health Month

RDN Article Image CaptionsBorders (79).pngRural Health Month takes place annually in November and was launched by RDN's Rural Health Pro in 2020 as an opportunity for a ‘coming together’ of the rural health community for a series of educational and networking events with a ‘rural positive’ focus. Rural Health Pro is a social enterprise of RDN that hosts a number of events through November for Rural Health Month, including the National Rural and Remote Health Awards and ever popular multi-disciplinary conferences including the Rural Allied Health ConferenceMedical Student Rural Inspiration ConferenceRural Practice Managers Conference and Rural GPs Conference, which includes the Rural Medical Service Awards.

Back in 2019, RDN conceptualised the development of a celebration for rural health and thought ‘why shouldn’t the month of November be the time to celebrate and think positively about all the great attributes of working and living in rural and remote Australia?’ It’s fantastic to see how many organisations are now supporting and celebrating the idea of Rural Health Month, but also the notion of ‘rural positive’.” - RDN CEO Richard Colbran.

Visit Rural Health Pro for more


To read more about this year's Rural Health Month events, including registrations and sponsorship opportunities, visit Rural Health Pro.

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Rural Health Month News

Rural Health Month videos:


  • The Governor-General's Address at the 2024 National Rural and Remote Health Awards in Canberra: