The Bonded Medical Program has changed
31st January 2020
The Bonded Medical Program was established in 2001. Under this program, there are two schemes: the Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship (MRBS) scheme and the Bonded Medical Places (BMP) scheme. New arrangements to the Bonded Medical Program (the Program) came into effect on 1 January 2020. This means:
- all new applicants to the Program will enter under the new arrangement
- existing participants will be able to choose to opt into the Program
Key features of the new arrangements include:
- a standard three-year Return of Service Obligation (RoSO) to be completed over 18 years
- a more flexible approach to undertaking RoSO
- additional RoSO locations
- streamlined conditions.
Learn more about the changes here
RDN services for bonded students and doctors
RDN is committed to providing tailored services to bonded students and doctors including access to the largest database of current GP and Locum vacancies in NSW, grants and, support with transitioning to rural practice.
Learn more here or get in touch with our Recruitment team today via or 02 4924 8000.