Media release: Dr Ian Cameron to retire from NSW Rural Doctors Network
11th July 2016
After 20 years at the helm of the NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN), Dr Ian Cameron has announced his intention to retire as Chief Executive Officer.
Coming to the organisation as a rural procedural General Practitioner from Bourke, Dr Cameron has guided the NSW RDN through two decades of meaningful and effective support for rural communities through their GPs and other health services.
The NSW RDN plays a lead role in the provision of a highly skilled and continuing medical and health work workforce in rural NSW.
NSW RDN Chair Dr Ros Bullock said Dr Cameron had been a driving force behind the continued success of the organisation and had led RDN through a period of immense change and growth.
“Ian has led the NSW RDN to be a reliable foundation for rural health practitioners in what is a very dynamic and everchanging landscape,” Dr Bullock said.
“His strength in leadership and vision for sustainable health services in country areas will be greatly missed by the organisation,” she said.
As a result of Dr Cameron’s leadership, the NSW RDN remains well placed to help manage the health issues rural communities are facing today and into the future.
“It is difficult to think of the RDN without Ian at the helm, but we understand that for him the time is right to retire,” Dr Bullock said, adding that “Ian will leave RDN in robust health, with the organisation having gone from strength to strength during his tenure.”
The NSW RDN Board has commenced a recruitment process to find a suitable replacement for Dr Cameron. No date has been fixed for his departure, and the timing will depend on the identification and appointment of a successor. However, it will most likely take effect by the end of the year.
Dr Cameron’s approach has been collaborative and inclusive, with a goal that people in rural and remote NSW should enjoy the same health outcomes and levels of health care as their city counterparts.
He has been adept at liaising with a large number of rural professional health bodies and has demonstrated a high level of skill and expertise in advising and negotiating with a diverse range of interest groups, including government.
Dr Bullock said that “In achieving his position, the NSW RDN owes much to Dr Cameron’s leadership and to his excellent understanding of the complex issues associated with rural health determinants, workforce and health service delivery issues and the intricacies of developing and implementing rural health research, policies and services.”
“As Chair, it has been my great privilege to work closely with Ian. The NSW RDN Board regard him as a most esteemed professional colleague and are also proud to have him as a friend,” Dr Bullock said.
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