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Eye care a whole region affair

12th September 2019

RDN recently engaged the Brien Holden Vision Institute to run an upskilling workshop for primary eye care workers from the Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD. 

The workshop was attended by 19 participants representing four organisations that provide health services for Aboriginal people in the region - Illawarra and Shoalhaven Aboriginal Chronic Care Unit, Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service, South Coast Aboriginal Medical Service and Waminda Aboriginal Corporation.  

Feedback received from the day indicated that participants were fully engaged, passionate and enthusiastic to gain the valuable knowledge and skills to deliver best practice eye care for their patients.

Importantly, the networking and sharing of knowledge is expected to improve the health outcomes for the local Aboriginal community. The Aboriginal Chronic Care Unit intends to reconnect with participants to discuss how they can work collaboratively to build upon these pathways and share learnings amongst local services.    

The LHD expressed its appreciation for the funding received from RDN.

[The workshop] has not only had a positive impact on staff receiving the education and the opportunity to network but will also have a positive follow on effect to our local Aboriginal community in eye care.

Pictured L-R: Glenda McHugh and Kerrie Cheadle from South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation 

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