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Media release: Health providers to prioritise Western NSW health

2nd May 2019

Representatives from more than 20 primary health organisations in Western NSW will gather to prioritise providing timely access to quality and safe health care services, regardless of where people live, at the Western NSW 2030 Action Forum in Dubbo today.

The Forum is the next step in the Western NSW Primary Health Workforce Planning Framework Project, a collaboration between the Western NSW Primary Health Network (PHN), Western NSW Local Health District (LHD), Far West NSW LHD, Bila Muuji Aboriginal Corporation Health Service and NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN).

The Project is developing longer-term solutions to workforce planning in Western NSW. At their first Forum last year, more than 40 stakeholders developed a planning framework with six core action areas supported by 34 activities. RDN CEO, Richard Colbran, said activities were now in progress and he was looking forward to canvassing future actions and collaborating with like-minded individuals from leading primary health providers.

“Within 12 months, it’s been inspiring to witness so many primary health providers prepared to not just sit back and acknowledge the unique challenges of providing primary health care in Western NSW, but instead, contribute funding and resources to address these challenges collaboratively to improve health outcomes for the region,” Mr Colbran said.

“Together, we want to make Western NSW an area of choice for primary health workers and we are committed to breaking the cycle of short-term responses so better health outcomes are achieved, long-term, for Western NSW,” he said.

Today, the group will look at each of the six action areas identified: recruitment; retention; needs assessment; strong partnerships; professional development; and training and strengthening coordination. 

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