RDN presents to the Select Committee on Remote, Rural and Regional Health
18th June 2024

On 4 June 2024, the Select Committee on Remote, Rural and Regional Health held its third public hearing and heard from a variety of local witnesses about the implementation of recommendations aimed at improving the delivery of specific health services and specialist care in remote, rural and regional areas of NSW.
RDN Chair Professor Peter O’Mara joined the hearing online, while RDN CEO, Richard Colbran attended to present a submission on behalf of RDN alongside RDN Chief Operating Officer, Mike Edwards.
Mr Colbran welcomed the opportunity to share insight and evidence into some of RDN’s key activities such as the Collaborative Care for Rural and Remote Communities program (amongst others). He reiterated that RDN exists to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in remote, rural, regional, Aboriginal and disadvantaged communities and expressed that the pursuit of equity in health care access is a building block to achieving better health in rural and vulnerable communities.
Learn more about the Inquiry here.