Start benefitting - become an RDN Member today!
29th January 2024

2024 is here and we want to welcome you back with a timely reminder to apply for, and start benefitting from, a FREE Rural Doctors Network (RDN) Membership!
Did you know RDN Membership is open to anyone with an interest in rural health (not just doctors)? 2024 is set to be the most exciting year yet for RDN members, who will benefit from even more discounts, incentives and exclusive offers being announced from next month (stay tuned – you don’t want to miss out).
In the meantime, there are already so many benefits available to members including:
Discounted conference and event registration
Networking activities
Exclusive member benefits and offers
Regular industry updates and publications
Recruitment and placement support
Industry engagement
Access to Rural Health Pro – online community for healthcare professionals
Grants and scholarships
RDN is a membership-based organisation that works with, and for, its members throughout the sector to support the welfare and progress of remote, rural and regional health care professionals, businesses and the communities that help them thrive.
Dr Alam Yoosuff of Murrumbidgee LHD recently shared with us why he is proud to be a member of RDN.
“RDN has not only supported many GPs like me in Finley, but also supported many local communities across NSW to get better access to health care and services,” Dr Yoosuff said. “Communities need to be at the heart of health access delivery."
So, as you get on top of life admin declutter and reassess paid memberships and subscriptions for the new year…make sure you add applying for FREE RDN membership to your to-do list!
At RDN, it takes a village; you’re our village and our goal is to benefit you!
Apply now!