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RDN signs MoU with Central NSW Joint Organisation

28th August 2023
Last Thursday, NSW Rural Doctors (RDN) CEO, Richard Colbran signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of RDN with the Central NSW Joint Organisation (CNSWJO) to formally recognise our joint interests in gaining more substantial health outcomes for remote, rural and regional NSW.

Last Thursday, NSW Rural Doctors (RDN) CEO, Richard Colbran signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of RDN with the Central NSW Joint Organisation (CNSWJO) at NSW Parliament House, to formally recognise our joint interests in gaining more substantial health outcomes for remote, rural and regional NSW. 

There is a network of thirteen Joint Organisations representing 87 councils in regional and rural NSW and the ACT, with the CNSWJO comprising Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lachlan, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Weddin and Lithgow.  

The MoU will see CNSWJO and RDN pilot a Regional Community Health System and Workforce Engagement project with the intention of rolling it out across all of regional NSW.  

“The pilot will enable the construction of a framework and enable evaluation of the hoped for benefits and outcomes,” said Mr Colbran. 

“The MoU will also develop collaborative activities that support the continued growth and sustainability of NSW’s rural health systems, infrastructure and workforce,” he said. 

The MoU was signed and presented to the NSW Government at the meeting of the CNSWJO Board, with State representatives including the Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Dr Michael Holland MP amongst those in attendance.  

On average, people living in regional and rural Local Health Districts live 2.2 years less than people in metropolitan Local Health Districts. Mayor of Cabonne and Chair of CNSWJO, Councillor Kevin Beatty, said “100% of our communities in Central NSW see health as a priority”.  

“This [MoU] will better position our communities in getting the programming they need including changes to service delivery and ultimately getting more metro-comparable health outcomes,” said Councillor Beatty. 

“Metro-comparable health outcomes should not be too much to ask. While delivering health services for our communities is not the core business of local councils, as health services withdraw, our communities call on their leaders to act,” he said.  


Pictured: John Medcalf OAM, Mayor Lachlan Shire Council; Phyllis Miller OAM Mayor Forbes Shire Council; Ken Keith OAM Mayor Parkes Shire Council; Maree Statham Mayor Lithgow City Council. Bottom left: Kevin Beatty Chair of Central NSW Joint Organisation and Mayor of Cabonne Shire Council; Richard Colbran CEO NSW Rural Doctors Network

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