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Optometry education and discussion in Dubbo

10th July 2023

The Western NSW Eye Health Partnership and the Dubbo Public Eye Clinic (DPEC) hosted an Optometry education event in Dubbo at the Lime Thai Restaurant on 27 June 2023.   

Dr Chris Qureshi and Dr Josh Lane were supported by DPEC staff Joselyn Barber and Tori Towney and RDN staff member Jess Rae- Senior Project Officer of the Western NSW Eye Health Partnership.  

The education activity was funded by the Western NSW Eye Health Partnership. One of the elected priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners of the partnership was to make DPEC a culturally safe hub for public Ophthalmology in the Western region.  

The WNSW Eye Health Partnership is a compilation of all the ACCHOS’ and other associated organisations in the Western region positively contributing to eye health outcomes of Aboriginal people. The partnership has developed its own Priority Action Plan for this region, utilising an Aboriginal led co-design model.  

This education event discussed the impending release of the Ministry of Health State-wide referral criteria for outpatient Ophthalmology services. These criteria will allow referring clinicians to have a thorough understanding of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Additionally, it will also assist Aboriginal patients to be triaged sooner, improving access and long-term eye health outcomes.  


                                                      Lime Thai Dubbo

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