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Reconciliation Week 2023

26th May 2023
Reconciliation Week is marked in Australia every year from 27 May to 3 June and is as an opportunity to strengthen relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-indigenous peoples, by learning about our shared histories, cultures and achievements.

Reconciliation: Together Us All

Reconciliation Week is marked in Australia every year from 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in Australian history — the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision  of 1992 respectively. Reconciliation Week is as an opportunity to strengthen relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, by learning about our shared histories, cultures and achievements.

In the spirit of Reconciliation Week for 2023, we would like to share with you an artwork by Wonaruah woman and artist Saretta Fielding called Malang Nguyran – Together Us All, which was commissioned by RDN in 2017. 

RDN CIRCLE named 72dpiMalang Nguyran – Together Us All is a piece that celebrates going forward together and signifies the sharing of cultures, capturing the beauty, diversity and connections of Aboriginal peoples and valuable partnerships across the community.

Saretta explains:

“Flowing circles linked around the central image are symbolic of connecting communities through reconciliation and the journey together. This artwork celebrates going forward and signifies sharing of cultures.”

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2023, ‘Be a Voice for Generations’, urges everyone to act today for a more reconciled country.


RDN and Reconciliation:

RDN shares a long history of meaningful engagement and collaboration with Aboriginal people and feels privileged to be invited to work with Aboriginal communities and their services. Since 2017, we have had an Aboriginal Engagement Strategy, which has acted as a frame for our indigenous relationships. RDN has also sought to uphold the values of and commitment to reconciliation through our 2021-23 Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which is available to read on our website.

“We value the culture, history and traditions that are important components of the identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and believe they should be celebrated,” says RDN CEO Richard Colbran. “Our RAP is a commitment to reaching our goal of meaningful engagement and collaboration with Aboriginal people, communities and services.” 

During the 2021-22 Financial Year, RDN supported:

RDN is proud to support Reconciliation Week and would like to take this opportunity to re-dedicate ourselves to working towards improved access to health care services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as we strive towards our goal of better access to health care services for all Australians, no matter where they live.


National Reconciliation Week events 

There are various events being held Australia-wide this National Reconciliation Week. See what’s happening and get involved.


Saretta Fielding Artist Saretta Fielding can be found on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or at her website.


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