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Meet practice manager Jessica Wheat

17th April 2023

Jessica Wheat is a practice manager at Basin View Medical Centre in Jervis Bay who finds her role very rewarding.

“I love to help people, and know that both staff and patients trust me tothumb_2456009 help them with any problems they might have,” she said. 

A bulk billing practice located in Jervis Bay on the coast of NSW, the Basin View Medical Centre currently has 5 GPs, 3 Registered Nurses, allied health, a social worker, a mental health team and onsite pathology. It is one of four centres under Shoalhaven Family Medical Centres. 

Since starting at the Centre in 2014 as a receptionist, Jessica has upskilled completing several admin courses as well as completing Cert 4 in Medical Practice Assisting (MPA) in 2019 with UNEP. 

She recently received two grants from NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN) to enrol in the Diploma of Leadership in Healthcare Practice through UNE Partnerships. The Diploma helps practice managers build the necessary leadership skills and knowledge to lead successful medical practices in a dynamic environment. 

Jessica credits her training for helping her to transition to a leadership role and was thrilled to be one of the lucky recipients.

“When I started the Diploma, I was still a receptionist trying to work my way to a manager position. 

“I applied for the course and was over the moon when I got the call that I had been accepted. 

“It has helped me so much in my progression to a practice manager role. I’ve learnt new skills to better myself as a leader and how to self-lead, set boundaries for myself and not feel overwhelmed. 

“The enrolment for this course came at a perfect time, it has really helped me to transition into my role as a leader,” she said. 

The grants Jessica received were valued at $500 each and covered the cost of staying in Sydney for training days. She found the RDN team helpful and accommodating. 

“They have checked in via email to remind us of upcoming face-to-face training and helped with logistics like parking and accommodation.”

“They really have gone the extra mile to help us with our studies. I couldn’t have done it without them,” she said.

“At the face-to-face training in St Leonards, we were always greeted with a smile,” she said.

“I would absolutely recommend RDN to others.”

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