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RDN Cadet Series Podcast: Dr Nicholas Ireland

6th February 2023

dr-nick-irelandIn this episode of the Destination Medicine Podcast, we hear the story of Dr Nicholas Ireland’s journey through life to becoming a NSW Regional Doctors Network Cadet has been a long and demanding one.

Expelled from boarding school in year 11, he first became a sheet metalworker on what he describes as a subsistence wage.

But it was while he was working as a FIFO welder on oil rigs off the Western Australia coast that he realised he had to do something else with his life. So he quit and applied for a university foundation course and got such good marks he was accepted into medicine via a rural pathway.

This boy from the bush, supported professionally and financially by the cadetship program, is now well on the way to achieving his childhood dream of becoming a rural generalist doctor, planning to settle with his wife in Dubbo.

RDN has collaborated with the Destination Medicine podcast to launch a special mini-series focusing on rural cadetships. Each episode of this special series brings the story of a cadet and their journey into rural medicine.  

Listen to Podcast HERE.

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