Inspiring RDN Outreach Conference a great chance to reconnect
26th August 2022
The NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN) Outreach Conference in Sydney last week was a great success with over 120 delegates attending RDN's first face-to-face conference since 2019.
The inspiring event saw a lively and engaged audience who appreciated the opportunity to learn, build networks, see old faces and enjoy the spirit of collaboration.
The Outreach Conference is a once-a-year opportunity and is attended by a range of Aboriginal Health Workers, allied health professionals, health administrators and medical students delivering outreach services across NSW and the ACT.
This year's conference saw a range of inspirational keynotes, thought-provoking panel discussions, interactive table-top presentations and a sunset cocktail function.
"It was great to be back at the Outreach Conference, catching up with the RDN team and hearing about all the good work happening in Outreach and Aboriginal health across NSW,” Yolande Boys from Wentworth Healthcare, NSW said.
The theme of the conference was 'Coming together for a healthy future', highlighting the continued commitments of frontline staff, outreach health practitioners and service providers to improve health outcomes for patients and communities.
The conference was a chance to learn about innovative outreach service models that are increasing access for rural, remote and Aboriginal communities.
RDN would like to congratulate the following Outreach Award recipients who attended the event:
- Willow Firth, Exercise Physiologist, Waminda
- Brigette Roberts, Nurse, Coast and Country Primary Care
- Annabel Thurlow, Diabetes Educator, Action Allied Healthcare, providing outreach to Muswellbrook
- Dr Lynn Lim, Palliative Care Physician, Lordes Hospital Dubbo
- Robert Martinez, Exercise Physiologist, Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service
- Dr Mark Young, GP outreach to Goodooga, Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service
Thank you to everyone who contributes to the delivery of community-driven outreach services in NSW.