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Careers forum to help build the future rural health workforce

13th May 2022

PLC2022Students had the opportunity to learn about the types of careers available to them first-hand from health professionals who are providing vital services to rural communities across NSW.

In sharing his career path, keynote speaker Dr Shannon Nott, Rural Director of Medical Services for Western NSW LHD, encouraged students to be the change they want to see in the world and reminded students to be open to new challenges and new ways of thinking.  

RDN CEO Richard Colbran said the Forum had a particular focus on students from rural areas who were boarding at Sydney schools, but it was open to all students in years 9 to 12.

“RDN’s experiences over 34 years have provided a body of evidence that students from rural areas studying health professions are often likely to return to rural NSW to work,” he said. 

“We want to encourage boarders to consider bringing their skills ‘home’ to benefit their local community and, through the Forum, showcase to all students the vast range of rural health careers available and how beneficial working in rural NSW can be.”

The event was filled with practical sessions, talks from health professionals and recent graduates, a Q&A panel discussion for students and their families, and pathway advice to assist students planning for tertiary study and HSC subject selection.

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