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Students go rural!

28th April 2021

Temora - Go Rural

RDN has helped nineteen students learn what it is like to work in rural NSW as part of a program aimed at swelling the ranks of health professionals working in remote areas.

Nineteen students were selected to be part of the ‘Go Rural’ trip, which toured the South West Region of the state.

Over four days, the students learned what it would be like to be a rural health practitioner.

The trip enabled the students to immerse themselves in local health services, participate in clinical activities, and experience life in a rural community.

Riley Green is studying a Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine at the University of New England. He said he was inspired by the health professionals he met during the trip.

“They helped me learn about the range of health issues that smaller rural communities face,” he said.

“This experience with RDN was invaluable. It has really shaped how I think about my career and I now have a firsthand understanding about what it would be like to work in a rural community.”

The students were selected from universities across NSW and the ACT. They travelled to health facilities in Wagga Wagga, Temora, Griffith and Hay.

Jolie Cullen is a second-year medical student at the University of Notre Dame, and she applied for the road trip so that she could gain a better insight into the life of a rural health professional.

“My goal is to work as a GP, and after the experiences I have had on this trip, I would definitely be open to working in a rural town like Temora.

“The community in Temora really sold me on the idea of becoming a rural GP. They were so welcoming and made it clear how much they value the care health professionals provide.”

Go Rural is run by RDN’s Future Workforce Manager, Chris Russell. He says the program’s purpose is to give students a better grasp of how rewarding a rural career can be.

“By coming out here, the students can really get a true appreciation of what rural health can offer them. It opens their eyes to the potential experiences, training opportunities and lifestyle on offer,” he said.

“We run Go Rural because our evidence shows that students are more likely to pursue a career in rural health if they have participated in rural immersion programs.”

There are four Go Rural trips taking place this year, with about 100 students involved.


Image: Riley Green, front row second from the right, and Jolie Cullen, back row fourth from the right, both toured rural NSW with RDN and 17 other health students to learn about health in rural areas. 

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