Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council
The Rural Doctors Network (RDN) collaborates with the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales (AH&MRC) to improve medical services in New South Wales (NSW) Aboriginal communities.
The AH&MRC is the peak representative body and voice of Aboriginal communities on health in NSW, representing its Members, the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), that deliver culturally appropriate comprehensive primary health care to their communities.
Aboriginal Community Control has its origins in Aboriginal people’s right to self-determination. This is the right to be involved in health service delivery and decision-making according to protocols or procedures determined by Aboriginal communities based on the Aboriginal definition of health.
The goals of the AH&MRC are to:
- Improve the health of Aboriginal peoples across NSW.
- Improve Aboriginal people's access to culturally appropriate and high quality comprehensive primary health care services.
- Increase acceptance and respect for Aboriginal Community Control as a best practice model for achieving Aboriginal health improvement.
- Achieve universal recognition of the AH&MRC as the lead representative organisation on Aboriginal health in NSW.
- Strengthen the capacity of ACCHS in NSW to deliver high quality, comprehensive, holistic primary health care services.
Members of AH&MRC
Most Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) are members of the AH&MRC. Link to more information and a list of current Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs) and other Aboriginal Community Controlled health related services.
Contact AH&MRC
Office address: 35 Harvey Street, Little Bay NSW 2036
Postal address: PO Box 193, MATRAVILLE NSW 2036
Tel: 02 9212 4777
Fax: 02 9212 7211