Pre-Vocational Doctors
Deciding which speciality to pursue can be confusing. A career in General Practice is rewarding and challenging and can deliver a unique, fulfilling lifestyle for you and your family.
Useful link: From student to Specialists - steps to progress to a Specialist career
General Practice Training in Australia
There are various pathways to being recognised as a General Practitioner in Australia. The endpoint of any of the pathways is either:
- Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM) or
- Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP).
It is important to be aware that each of the GP training programs has specific eligibility criteria. Applicants need to review their eligibility for each GP training program.
RDN has produced a summary of the Fellowship Pathway options. For a more comprehensive guide to the pathways, the Australian Government Department of Health has produced the General Practice Training in Australia available here.
Further information on each pathway is here:
> Australian General Practice Training (AGPT)
AGPT Fellowship pathways, delivered by GP Synergy. Applicants to AGPT can choose from a general or rural pathway. From 2021, applicants will also be able to select a Rural Generalist (RG) Pathway.
Learn more about AGPT
> Remote Vocational Training Scheme
The purpose of the program is to train doctors in remote communities for remote communities.
Learn more about RVTS
> Royal Australian College of General Practitioners - Practice Experience Program (RACGP-PEP)
RACGP-PEP is a self-directed pathway to RACGP Fellowship in MMM 2-7 locations.
Learn more about RACGP-PEP
> Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Independent Pathway
ACRRM (IP) pathway is a Rural Generalist pathway.
Learn more about ACRRM (IP)
> NSW Rural Generalist Medical Training Program
This pathway leads to a career as a rural Medical Practitioner with advanced skills in a chosen specialty, e.g. Emergency Medicine/Obstetrics.
Learn more
Alternative pathway into rural General Practice - More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP)
MDRAP provides opportunities for junior and overseas trained doctors to work in a general practice position, interacting with experienced rural general practitioners in a supported environment while applying for a GP training pathway. In NSW, RDN administers the MDRAP program.
Learn more about MDRAP.
The RDN team can provide general information about pathways to Fellowship - email us or call 02 4924 8000.