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GPs and doctors are required to maintain skills through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities to be able to practise in Australia.

RDN facilitates several CPD opportunities each year for rural NSW GPs, including family-friendly conferences, and also assists them in achieving Fellowship through the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).

RDN CPD events involve clinical lectures, workshops and discussion groups, as well as other lifestyle topics such as financial management, doctor health and family wellbeing. Conferences are mostly held in attractive holiday-style locations, with comprehensive children and spouse programs. RDN also runs procedural medicine conferences on rural emergency skills, anaesthetics, obstetrics and GP surgery (these conferences do not cater for families).

Financial assistance for your training and development

The Health Workforce Scholarships Program (HWSP) provides:

  • Scholarships: A payment up to $10,000 per year, for up to two years, toward the cost of completing a postgraduate course leading to a postgraduate qualification
  • Bursaries: A payment up to $10,000 (maximum of $10,000 in total in one year) for professional development and upskilling course fees and associated accommodation and travel-related expenses

You must meet some conditions to be eligible for the HWSP. Learn more about the HWSP and contact RDN if you need more information.