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2nd National Rural and Remote Health Awards celebrated in Canberra

12th November 2024
Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, joined 180 rural health professionals and distinguished guests from across Australia at the National Press Club in Canberra, on Wednesday, for the second annual National Rural and Remote Health Awards, which honour professionals and organisations who have significantly contributed to improving healthcare in the bush.

2024 winners and sponsors of the National Rural and Remote Health Awards at the National Press Club in Canberra


Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, joined 180 rural health professionals and distinguished guests from across Australia at the National Press Club in Canberra, on Wednesday, for the second annual National Rural and Remote Health Awards, which honour professionals and organisations who have significantly contributed to improving healthcare in the bush. The Awards, hosted by RDN’s Rural Health Pro, marked the first official event of Rural Health Month for 2024.

The exceptional efforts of health professionals from rural and remote areas of every state and territory were celebrated and winners from each of the ten categories were announced, to great applause. “We had nominations coming in from WA to Norfolk Island, and from Tasmania to the Top End, via the desert country of central Australia”, said Rural Health Pro Manager, Jessica Rostas, who said she was ‘blown away’ by the incredible calibre of nominees.

“Congratulations to all our winners who have showcased unwavering dedication to keeping local communities healthy,” Mrs Rostas said. “It is my hope that our winners’ stories will inspire future generations to consider pursuing careers in this vital field and raise awareness of the many rewarding benefits of working in rural health.”

The Awards were inaugurated by Rural Health Pro in 2023, with the aim of celebrating the work of healthcare professionals who serve remote and rural communities, and are now a highlight of Rural Health Month, which was established by Rural Health Pro in 2020 as a series of multidisciplinary training and networking events aimed at showcasing and supporting the invaluable contributions of rural health professionals, while providing opportunities for them to connect and learn together. 

Representatives from Yaandina Aged & Community Care travelled around 6000km from their remote and predominantly Aboriginal township of Roeburn in Western Australia's Pilbara region to attend the Awards and were thrilled to be announced as the Rural/Remote Aged Care or Disability Carer of the Year. "In recent years there's been quite a lot of focus on what's not working in the aged care system and disability services sector. For me, this is a celebration of what is working and is a celebration of the compassion and kindness I see in our staff every day", said Yaandina CEO Emma Dumbrell. 

“It’s wonderful for that acknowledgement and recognition for our rural, regional and remote areas,” said Casey Shorter, Practice Manager at Macksville Medical Centre, who won the Rising Star in Rural/Remote Health Award. “It’s a far cry from what is experienced in the city, and it’s nice to have that acknowledgement and understanding from people that don’t quite always experience what we do.” 

CEO of Rural Doctors Network, Richard Colbran, said the awards are a testament to the commitment and resourcefulness of people and organisations who address the unique health challenges faced by rural and remote communities. 

“It’s a privilege to bring these exceptional healthcare professionals, teams and organisations to a national stage, where their dedication and achievements can be celebrated,” Dr Colbran said. “Rural Health Pro’s National Rural and Remote Health Awards are an important reminder of the need to continue supporting rural healthcare workers, whose efforts often go unrecognised but are critical to the survival and prosperity of Australia's rural and remote communities,” he said. 

Also representing RDN at the event was Professor of Rural Health Roger Strasser, who described the establishment of the Awards as representing a true coming of age for rural and remote health in Australia:

“There is great strength in working together, in networking between rural and remote communities and health services. In fact, the people living in rural and remote communities have much in common with each other, even across state and international borders, more-so than they do with people who live in the big cities,” he said. “I am mightily impressed by the hundreds of worthy nominees for these awards, and I really see rural and remote health continuing to grow and develop in the future.”


Watch Professor Roger Strasser's full speech here:




Governor-General praises essential work of Australia’s rural health workers 


"Healthcare is so much more than just about treatment. It is education, it's prevention and management, it's project planning and execution, it's communication and collaboration, innovation and so much more."  


These are the powerful words delivered by Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia at the Rural and Remote Health Awards last Wednesday.  

"Yours are not just jobs, but vocations of care. Your work is essential to the wellbeing of all Australians and the prosperity and progress of our nation," the Governor-General said. 


Watch Her Excellency’s full address here:





National Rural Health Commissioner says rural innovation thrives when the ready-made solutions don't fit 

National Rural Health Commissioner, Professor Jenny May AM addressed the winners and attendees at the National Rural and Remote Health Awards last Friday, reflecting on her own role as a rural doctor. 

"As a doctor working in rural all my life, I am constantly heartened and affirmed by the clinical excellence and patient centredness that so many of the awardees tonight display,” the Commissioner said. 


"I particularly want to give a shout out to people who work in remote. People who work in remote are super problem solvers - day in day out - facing challenges that others of us do not have to face," she said.  

"So often innovation thrives when the ready-made solutions don't fit, and the hallmark of the awardees tonight is their commitment to find a solution and the vision to make it happen."  

Watch the full video here:




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